Mailbox Database Organizer Query Mailbox Database Size and Blank Data SizeAvailableNewMailboxSpace refers to the space that can be "lost" in this total space.
Get-MailboxDatabase db0* -Status | FT Name,@{n="MailboxCount";e={(Get-Mailbox -Database $_.Identity | measure).Count}},DatabaseSize,AvailableNewMailboxSpace -AutoSize
1: ESEUTIL /D : Defragmentation of the database to free up gaps
2: ESEUTIL /R Recover Database Soft Repair
3: ESEUTIL /G Checking the integrity of the database
4: ESEUTIL /K Verify the checksum of the database
5: ESEUTIL /P Repair corrupted database (most common command, hard repair)
6: ESEUTIL /M displays logs and checkpoint files for database files
7: ESEUTIL /Y to copy database files and log files in a more efficient way
8: ESEUTIL /C performs a hard recovery of the database
C:\program files\exchsrvr\bin> Eseutil /d c:\progra~1\exchsrvr\mdbdata\