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Web server static resources download

Popularity:850 ℃/2024-10-17 10:07:30

1. Using Beego to achieve static file downloads

Beego is a powerful Go Web framework that provides the ability to work with static files. With a simple configuration, we can use a local folder as a static resource directory and provide users with a download link.

1.1 Configuring static file paths

First, in the In this case, we use theSetStaticPath localstaticfiles Catalogs are mapped to static resource paths that can be accessed via URLs.

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Set static resource paths, mapping /staticfiles to the local . /staticfiles folder
    ("/staticfiles", "./staticfiles")

With this code, we are putting the local./staticfiles directory is mapped to thehttp://localhost:8080/staticfilesIf you want to access the file, you can use this URL to access the file directly.

2. File catalog display and download function

Next, in order to allow users to easily browse the file directory and download files, we need to implement a controller to display a list of files in a specified directory and generate the corresponding download links.

2.1 Realization of the controller

In Beego, the controller is responsible for handling routing requests. We create aFileControllerwhich defines theGet method to read the specified directory and pass the list of files to the template.

package controllers

import (

type FileController struct {

// @router /getfiles [get]
func (c *FileController) Get() {
    // Path to the directory to be displayed
    dirPath := "./staticfiles"

    // Read the contents of the catalog
    files, err := (dirPath)
    if err != nil {
        ["error"] = "Unable to read directory." + ()
         = ""

    // Passing a list of files to a template
    ["files"] = files
    ["directory"] = dirPath
     = ""

In the code above, the function is used to read thestaticfiles All files and folders in the directory. If an error occurs, render the template and display an error message. Otherwise, pass the list of files to the Templates for display.

ns := ("/v1",

Register this Contorller in the router

2.2 Template File Display Catalog

In order to display the list of files and provide the download function, we create a simple HTML template, displays the file names to the user and generates a corresponding download link for each file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>file directory</title>
    <h1>Download file</h1>
        {{range .files}}
        {{if not .IsDir}}
            <a href="/staticfiles/{{.Name}}" download="{{.Name}}">


In this template, the Go template syntax is used to iterate through thefiles List. For each file, generate a<a> tag and use thedownload Properties provide file downloads.

3. Error handling page

If an error occurs while reading the catalog, we render an error page. This page displays the error message and prompts the user to go back or retry.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>error page</title>
        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            margin: 50px;
        .error-container {
            max-width: 600px;
            margin: auto;
            padding: 20px;
            border: 1px solid #f5c6cb;
            background-color: #f8d7da;
            color: #721c24;
        h1 {
            color: #721c24;
    <div class="error-container">
        <h1>error occurs</h1>
        <p>Please return and try again。</p>

The template is passed through the{{.error}} Renders error messages passed from the controller and makes them easier to understand with simple styling.

4. Mapping static folders with Docker

To make folder management more flexible and to enable persistent storage of static files in containerized applications, we can map local folders inside containers via Docker.

4.1 Docker Mapping Folders

exist In thevolumes option places the host'sstaticfiles folder is mapped to a container in the/app/staticfiles Catalog.

version: '3'
    image: your-beego-image
      - "8080:8080"
      - /d/commanddemo/staticfiles:/app/staticfiles

Here./d/commanddemo/staticfiles is the path to the folder on the host./app/staticfiles is the path inside the container. In this way, files in the host and container can be kept synchronized, and any updates to the files are immediately reflected in the container.

5. Run the Beego project

After completing the above steps, you can run the Beego project. Visithttp://localhost:8080/getfilesYou will see a list of files in the directory and can download them directly.