Location>code7788 >text


Popularity:750 ℃/2024-10-20 18:22:30

Charles Settings

I. Add SSL Certificate

![1](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\charles zhengshu\)

![2](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\charles zhengshu\)

![3](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\charles zhengshu\)

![4](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\charles zhengshu\)

![5](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\charles zhengshu\)

II. Proxy Settings

![1](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\pro set\)

![2](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\pro set\)

SSL proxy settings

![1](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\ssl prosey\)

![2](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\ssl prosey\)

Night God Emulator Settings

I. Push certificates to the root directory

1、Export certificate

![1](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\nox zhengshu\)

![2](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\nox zhengshu\)

2、Convert the certificate format

![3](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\pro set\)![4](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\pro set\)

openssl x509 -inform PEM -subject_hash_old -in //view certificate hash value
ren certificate_hash_old -in //Converts a .pem certificate into a .0 file format.

![5](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\pro set\)

3. Using the simulator ADB
You need to enter the cmd window of the \Nox\bin path.

Find the Night God emulator shortcut startup chart on the desktop, right mouse button - open the file where it is located, it will go to *\Nox\bin, in the file address bar enter cmd enter to open the window

![6](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\nox zhengshu\)

![7](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\nox zhengshu\)

![8](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\nox zhengshu\)

connected device
nox_adb.exe devices
D:\Nox\bin>nox_adb.exe devinox_adb.exe devicesces
List of devices attached****** device

![9](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\nox zhengshu\)

Open write access
cd /system/etc/security //enter the target directory
chmod 777 cacerts //give 777 permissions
mount -o remount,rw /system //If prompted for Read-only file system, use this line of code to mount the system folder as read-write. Then use chmod to grant 777 permissions.
exit //Exit the shell. If you are using su to extract privileges, type exit twice.
Push Certificates to Catalog
adb push C:\*\zhengshu\2c44aefb.0 /system/etc/security/cacerts
//Change the certificate file directory to your own.

![10](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\nox zhengshu\)

II. Emulator Network Settings

![11](C:\Users\Lifree\Desktop\MD\C\nox zhengshu\)

Simulator-Settings-Network-Advanced-Proxy [Manual]

Simulator-Settings-Network-Advanced-Proxy Server Host [Host IP]

ipconfig //query host ip
//win+r, type cmd enter to open the window

Emulator-Settings-Network-Advanced-Proxy server port [port number]

Port number default 8888

Query in Charles-Proxy Settings-Http Proxy

Reference Links

After completing the above steps you can grab packets for our emulator!!!! Spread the flowers !!!!!!!

The following is the reference link, the link in the great if you think is infringed upon can contact the small short hand to delete, in this thanks!!!!

The following are in no particular order


The original article provides a variety of solutions for Android 7.0 onwards where the system is not trusting the user's credentials, thanks to Anekys greatly !!!!


The original article provides the general idea and solution, with thanks to Chickie Dai !!!!


The official ADB documentation page for the Night God emulator