Location>code7788 >text

dotnet core microservices framework Jimu ~ Member Authorization Microservices

Popularity:225 ℃/2024-10-30 20:43:45
using System; using Autofac; using Jimu; using ; using ; using ; namespace { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { IServiceHost host = null; var builder = new ServiceHostServerBuilder(new ContainerBuilder()) .UseLog4netLogger() .LoadServices("", "") .UseDotNettyForTransfer("", 8000) .UseConsulForDiscovery("", 8500, "JimuService", $"") .UseJoseJwtForOAuth<DotNettyAddress>(new JwtAuthorizationOptions { SecretKey = "123456", // Key for token generation ExpireTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0, 0), // Token Valid for 3 days ValidateLifetime = true, // Whether or not to start validating the token ServerIp = "", // Address of the host server where the token is generated ServerPort = 8000, // Host server port for token generation TokenEndpointPath = "api/oauth/token?username=&password=", // The route to get the token, note that the ?username=&password= suffix is fixed. CheckCredential = new Action<JwtAuthorizationContext>(ctx => { var memberService = <IAuthMemberService>(); var member = (, ); if (member == null) { ("username or password is incorrect.", ""); } else { // The JimuPayload mentioned above contains these data ("roles", ); // Adding roles to tokens ("member", (member)); // Serialize and package the entire member into a token } }), // Configuration items and validation logic for token generation }); using (host = ()) { (); while (true) { (); } } } } }