This weekly newsletter is produced by PythonCat, which carefully selects the most worthwhile articles, tutorials, open source projects, software tools, podcasts and videos, hot topics, and other content from 250+ domestic and international sources. Vision: To help all readers refine their Python skills and grow their professional and side income.
Shared 11 articles, 13 open source projects, 1 audio/video, 2000 words.
Below is a summary of this issue:
🦄 Articles & Tutorials
① Are function calls in CPython still slow?
② Log Context Propagation in Python ASGI Applications
③ PyCon US 2024 recap and video are up!
④ In-depth tutorial on Python API integration
⑤ Python Monthly Hot Topics Collection (Japanese)
⑥ Quickly find the right date-time format code
⑦ django-http-debug, a new Django application
⑧ PyTorch Lightning: A Comprehensive Hands-On Tutorial
⑨ Python extensions should be lazy
⑩ Don't DRY your code too soon!
⑪Programming articles that have triggered a lot of thinking in me
🐿️ projects&resources
① zato: ESB, SOA, REST, API and Cloud Integration in Python
② segment-anything-2: Meta SAM 2 model inference code
③ alive-progress: cool animated progress bar in terminal
④ Ingram: Webcam Vulnerability Scanning Tool
⑤ Deep-Live-Cam: real-time face swap and one-click video deepfake
⑥ annotated_deep_learning_paper_implementations: 60 deep learning paper implementations/tutorials with annotations
⑦ table-transformer: extracting tables from unstructured documents (PDFs and images)
⑧ wsgidav: a generic and extensible WSGI-based WebDAV server.
⑨ silero-vad: a pre-trained enterprise-grade speech activity detector
⑩ textual-serve: turn textual applications into web applications locally
⑪ geopandas: Python tool for processing geographic data
⑫ IMS-Toucan: Multi-language and controlled text-to-speech toolkit
⑬ beancount: double-entry bookkeeping with text files
🐢 Podcasts & Videos
Ep 48. Interview with Gao Tian: I Became a Python Core Developer to Become a B-station Uploader
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Also, please note that paid issues will be free after 50 issues, e.g. issue 64 will be free at issue 114.