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[rCore Study Notes 024] Multichannel Programs and Collaborative Scheduling

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Focus of this section

Mainly formandates The concept is further expanded and extended: the formation of

  • Task Runtime State: The different runtime states of a task from start to finish execution: uninitialized, ready to execute, executing, exited.
  • Task Control Block: Manages the task context of a program's execution process, controlling program execution and pause.
  • Task-related system calls: interface between the application and the operating system for program-initiated pausessys_yield and voluntary withdrawalsys_exit

The main point here is to look at the specific implementation of these concepts before learning RTOS use is used, but the specific how to implement it is not yet clear.

Multi-Channel Program Background and the yield System Call

Even though the CPU can now run applications all the time, there is still room for its utilization to increase.

With the increasing complexity of application requirements, there are times when some peripherals are accessed under the supervision of the kernel, and they are another very important part of the computer system, i.e., theInput/Output (I/O, Input/Output) .

The CPU passes the I/O request to the peripheral, and after the peripheral finishes processing, the CPU can read the result of the I/O request from the peripheral.

Let's consider for the moment that the CPU can onlyunidirectionally The completion status of I/O processing by the peripheral is obtained by reading the register information provided by the peripheral.

The idea of a multi-pass program is that.

  1. The kernel manages multiple applications at the same time. If the peripheral takes long enough to process the I/O, then we can do a task switch to execute the other application first
  2. After a switchback, the application reads the device registers again and finds that the I/O request has been processed, so it can continue down the line based on the returned I/O result

In that case, as long as the simultaneous presence ofThere are enough applications Then you'll be able toa certain extent Hiding the latency of I/O peripheral processing relative to the CPU ensures that the CPU doesn't have to waste time waiting for a peripheral, but is almost always computing.

This task switching is a way for the applicationdo sth of one's own accord call (programming)sys_yield This is accomplished by a system call, which means that the application actively surrenders the use of the CPU to other applications.

The description in this paragraph is pretty much a multitasking poll, but in my head.external interrupt It's still better than multitasking. But how do you rationalizeutilization External interrupts to improve real-time are a problem.

As for the active callsys_yieldIt's just a hard thing to do. That's why it's called a "D".collaborative , that is, the performance of the system depends on the programmer to release the CPU when designing the app. (I myself want to pull the full CPU, who cares about your life and death pinches)

It's mentioned here.A typical case of multi-channel program execution :

This picture is very well explained: the

  1. This one'shorizontal axis It's a timeline.
  2. This one'svertical axis is the running entity (Task and IO hardware)
  3. It can be seen that there are three running entities
    1. I/O Device : This is IO hardware.
    2. I/O Task : This is a task that requests IO hardware
    3. Other Task : This is another task that does not request IO hardware.
  4. You can see that the very beginning isIO Task At runtime.
  5. existI/O Start yield Moments,IO Task IO hardware was requested, then the CPU was freed.
  6. Other Task Taking over the CPU, at the same timeIO Device Keep working on the hardware.
  7. Execute all the way toNot Complete yileld again The beginning of the time period.Other Task After execution, release the CPU.
  8. leave it (to sb)IO Task After taking over, check the status of the IO hardware, it still hasn't been processed.
  9. existNot Complete yileld again The end of the time period.IO Task Release the CPU.
  10. Other Task Take over the CPU again, and at the same timeIO Device Keep working on the hardware.
  11. existOther Task During the performance period, the following occurredI/O Complete The software doesn't recognize it at that moment.
  12. existContinue Moment, ,Other Task After execution, release the CPU.
  13. leave it (to sb)IO Task After taking over, the IO hardware status is checked and processed, so execution continues.

Above, we introduced the "avoiding unnecessary peripheral waits to improve CPU utilization" as the entry point for thesys_yield . But actually callingsys_yield Not necessarily related to peripherals As the kernel becomes more and more complex, we will also encounter a number of problems. As the kernel becomes progressively more complex in its functionality, we will also encounterOther events to wait for We can all immediately callsys_yield to avoid the waste caused by the waiting process.

Disadvantages of sys_yield

This section is somewhat related to my initial thoughts on real-time issues.

After an application calls it to voluntarily surrender CPU usage, the point at which it is next allowed to use the CPU again is related to the kernel's scheduling policy and the current overall application execution, and is likely to be much later than the point at which the event the application is waiting for (e.g., a peripheral completing a request) is reached. This can result in erratic or very long response latencies for that application. For example, imagine hitting the keyboard and seeing the characters on the screen several minutes later - that's more than a human can bear. But don't worry, we'll have a more elegant solution later.

Standard interfaces for sys_yield

Thinking about the two kinds we mentioned earliersyscall.

existcore layer Realized.


const SYSCALL_WRITE: usize = 64;
const SYSCALL_EXIT: usize = 93;

mod fs;
mod process;

use fs::*;
use process::*;

/// handle syscall exception with `syscall_id` and other arguments
pub fn syscall(syscall_id: usize, args: [usize; 3]) -> isize {
    match syscall_id {
        SYSCALL_WRITE => sys_write(args[0], args[1] as *const u8, args[2]),
        SYSCALL_EXIT => sys_exit(args[0] as i32),
        _ => panic!("Unsupported syscall_id: {}", syscall_id),

existuser level Realized.


use core::arch::asm;

const SYSCALL_WRITE: usize = 64;
const SYSCALL_EXIT: usize = 93;

fn syscall(id: usize, args: [usize; 3]) -> isize {
    let mut ret: isize;
    unsafe {
            inlateout("x10") args[0] => ret,
            in("x11") args[1],
            in("x12") args[2],
            in("x17") id

pub fn sys_write(fd: usize, buffer: &[u8]) -> isize {
    syscall(SYSCALL_WRITE, [fd, buffer.as_ptr() as usize, ()])

pub fn sys_exit(exit_code: i32) -> isize {
    syscall(SYSCALL_EXIT, [exit_code as usize, 0, 0])

It would be nice to understand here the eponymoussyscall,sys_write,sys_exitIt's not the same function.understood .

nowContinued realization ansystem call sys_yield.

So it's going to be inuser level Implementation interface.

// user/src/

pub fn sys_yield() -> isize {
    syscall(SYSCALL_YIELD, [0, 0, 0])

// user/src/

pub fn yield_() -> isize { sys_yield() }

SYSCALL_YIELDAgain, it's aneed to define constants.

There's a little problem here, becauseyieldIt's rust.Keywords. , so when defining a function nameAdded a_ .

thuscore layer (used form a nominal expression)syscallInside also need to add a discrimination, now I only write into pseudo-code, because I also specificI don't know. How to fill in the parameters.

pub fn syscall(syscall_id: usize, args: [usize; 3]) -> isize {
    match syscall_id {
		// Here is the pseudo-code
	    SYSCALL_YIELD => sys_yield(...)
	    // Here is the pseudo-code
        SYSCALL_WRITE => sys_write(args[0], args[1] as *const u8, args[2]),
        SYSCALL_EXIT => sys_exit(args[0] as i32),
        _ => panic!("Unsupported syscall_id: {}", syscall_id),

Task Control Block and Task Run Status

Reflecting on the previous chapter's realization ofAppManagerIt consists of three parts.

  1. appliedquantities .
  2. be facing (us) Run the application.
  3. appliedentrance address .

But considering the current state of the task, it is possible tofault Simply as in the case of the two missions shown above, there are more missions and more complex scenarios.

Thinking about our sectionbeginning When the time came, it was said that to create aTask Run Status The concept of the task is categorized into the following states.

  1. uninitialized
  2. Preparing for implementation
  3. under implementation
  4. opt out

Thus it is possible to construct such a structure using rust: the

// os/src/task/

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum TaskStatus {
    UnInit, // not initialized
    Ready, // ready to run
    Running, // Running
    Exited, // Exited
Exited, // Exited }

#[derive]This annotation is somewhat similar to theKotlin , which can makecompiler automatically To help you realize some of the ways.

  • RealizedClone After the Trait, you can call theclone function completes the copy;
  • RealizedPartialEq After Trait, you can use the== operator compares two instances of the type, logically only two equal application execution states will be judged equal, and indeed they are.
  • Copy is a token Trait that determines whether the type uses move semantics or copy semantics when passing/assigning parameters by value.

Recall that the previous section mentionedTaskContext"Ourmission control block The two parts that need to be saved are also known.

  1. TaskContextSaving the Task Context
  2. TaskStatusSaving Task Status

So construct a structure like this with rust: the

// os/src/task/

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TaskControlBlock {
    pub task_status: TaskStatus,
    pub task_cx: TaskContext,

task manager

So there you have it.TaskControlBlock, you can implement a task manager.

Task Manager needs to manage multiple tasks, so you need to know.

  1. app aggregate
  2. be facing (us) mandates
  3. per taskcontrol block
    1. mandatesstate of affairs
    2. mandates(textual) context

Here theMethods for separating constants and variables To realize it.

// os/src/task/

pub struct TaskManager {
    num_app: usize,
    inner: UPSafeCell<TaskManagerInner>,

struct TaskManagerInner {
    tasks: [TaskControlBlock; MAX_APP_NUM],
    current_task: usize,

This is becausenum_appis constant and does not need to be changed, whereasinneris a variable that requires theUPSafeCell, to ensure that theirInternal variability cap (a poem)single-core time Secure borrowing capacity.

It's here.official documentIt's mentioned in.

  1. In the second chapter ofAppManageris available through thecurrent_appsurmise until (a time)Up/Down Tasks The ...
  2. However, in the case ofTaskMangerinnerTaskManagerInner(used form a nominal expression)current_taskbehave no other choice Sense the current task.

because ofTaskManagerCreating a global instanceTASK_MANAGER, still usinglazy initialization Methodology.

// os/src/task/

lazy_static! {
    pub static ref TASK_MANAGER: TaskManager = {
        let num_app = get_num_app();
        let mut tasks = [
            TaskControlBlock {
                task_cx: TaskContext::zero_init(),
                task_status: TaskStatus::UnInit
        for i in 0..num_app {
            tasks[i].task_cx = TaskContext::goto_restore(init_app_cx(i));
            tasks[i].task_status = TaskStatus::Ready;
        TaskManager {
            inner: unsafe { UPSafeCell::new(TaskManagerInner {
                current_task: 0,

This initialization sequence is.

  1. utilizationPrevious Section Realization (used form a nominal expression)get_num_appto get the number of tasks
  2. Create aTaskControlBlock(used form a nominal expression)arrays , sizeset MAX_APP_NUM.
  3. and then throughThe previous section realizes the init_app_cx to get each of theAlready loaded into memory The context of the task.
  4. Take all the tasksinitialization because ofReady Status.
  5. followed byanonymous function The way to get thetask and initialized to 0current_taskCreate an anonymousTaskManagerInner, then wrapped inUPSafeCell andnum_appTogether, they create aTaskManager, pass toTASK_MANAGER.

Implement the sys_yield and sys_exit system calls.

Similar to what was realized in the previous chaptercore layer (used form a nominal expression)syscallfunction will be based on thefunction code Call function.

One thing we need to understand is this.

  1. application layer (computing) (used form a nominal expression)syscall function just uses theecall Trigger Trap.
  2. core layer (used form a nominal expression)syscallFunctions are really concrete implementations.

We're talking aboutKernel Layer Specific Implementation The function called by thesyscallas abranch (of company, river etc) :

// os/src/syscall/

use crate::task::suspend_current_and_run_next;

pub fn sys_yield() -> isize {

This one issys_yield, used to pause the current application and switch to the next one.

Seeing that its specific implementation is actuallyabstract (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)suspend_current_and_run_nextinterface, making the interface nameconcordance .

This is a good time to consider what we implemented in the previous chaptersys_exit:

//! App management syscalls
use crate::loader::run_next_app;
use crate::println;

/// task exits and submit an exit code
pub fn sys_exit(exit_code: i32) -> ! {
    println!("[kernel] Application exited with code {}", exit_code);

After printing the LOG, use therun_next_appSwitch to the next app.

Well, considering that nowrun_next_appis no longer appropriate for the current state of havingtask scheduling system, so it's also important to have a good understanding of thesys_exitThe specific implementations of the

// os/src/syscall/

use crate::task::exit_current_and_run_next;

pub fn sys_exit(exit_code: i32) -> ! {
    println!("[kernel] Application exited with code {}", exit_code);
    panic!("Unreachable in sys_exit!");

You can see that the specific implementation is nowabstract (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)exit_current_and_run_nextinterface, making the interface nameconcordance .

Next we just need toconcrete realization The two interfaces just mentioned will do.

// os/src/task/

pub fn suspend_current_and_run_next() {

pub fn exit_current_and_run_next() {

The implementation is excerpted here, but there are still three functions in the implementation.To be realized :

  1. mark_current_suspended
  2. mark_current_exited
  3. run_next_task

Their specific implementations are to be compared with those of the previous chapter and section:.

  1. Previous chapter.Loading Applications after thatModify the program pointer Start running directly .
  2. Previous section:DirectModify the program pointer Just start running.

This chapter is implemented differently, by means of theModifying a user's status , resolved.

// os/src/task/

fn mark_current_suspended() {

fn mark_current_exited() {

impl TaskManager {
    fn mark_current_suspended(&self) {
        let mut inner = .borrow_mut();
        let current = inner.current_task;
        [current].task_status = TaskStatus::Ready;

    fn mark_current_exited(&self) {
        let mut inner = .borrow_mut();
        let current = inner.current_task;
        [current].task_status = TaskStatus::Exited;

and then throughrun_next_taskcome (according to state)Decision (can we call it scheduling?). Right... No... Yes, yes... No.) Which Task to run next.

// os/src/task/

fn run_next_task() {

impl TaskManager {
    fn run_next_task(&self) {
        if let Some(next) = self.find_next_task() {
            let mut inner = .exclusive_access();
            let current = inner.current_task;
            [next].task_status = TaskStatus::Running;
            inner.current_task = next;
            let current_task_cx_ptr = &mut [current].task_cx as *mut TaskContext;
            let next_task_cx_ptr = &[next].task_cx as *const TaskContext;
            // before this, we should drop local variables that must be dropped manually
            unsafe {
            // go back to user mode
        } else {
            panic!("All applications completed!");

Here too, it is divided into two parts: the

  1. run_next_taskYes, it is.TASK_MANAGER.run_next_task();The package.
  2. treat (sb a certain way)TaskManagerstructuredrun_next_taskmethod implementation.
    1. first of allif letThis pattern matching writing method, the first did not grasp the rust development technology, so I do not understand.
      1. This is the time to check theThe Rust Bible. . onif letof the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
        1. This method can be used when only one match is needed.
        2. Matching is used to solve problems that can't be solved with a simple ==complex type Matching cases.
        3. utilizationif letrather thanmatchIt's to address the fact that onlyNonepeacebuildingNoneSimple writing for both cases .
      2. refer toThe Rust Bible. . onSomeof the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
        1. OptionThere are two possibilities for enumeration
          1. Somerepresents a value, theSomeThe content of the package is its value
            1. alonedefine The enumeration type isSome(T),Trepresents the type.Some(i32)This means that it is possible to storei32The value of the type.
            2. At the time of the instanceSome(T)can be instantiatedSome(3), means that the value exists and has the value 3.
          2. Nonerepresent a null hypothesis
      3. The result of this paragraph therefore means.
        1. in the event thatself.find_next_task()The result is notNone, then the corresponding return value should beSome(next).
        2. The following logic in thenextis the return of theSome()envelopednext. . on behalf ofTask number for the next task .
    2. subsequent acquisitionsingle-threaded variable borrowing.
    3. From the results of the previous stepcurrent task.
    4. commander-in-chief (military)Next mission. The status is changed torunning .
    5. Change the current task number toJust got the next mission number .
    6. GettingCurrent and Next Mission context.
    7. Actively releases the acquired.
      1. This is because if you don't release it voluntarily, you have to wait for the function to finish before you can access it again.The content.
      2. __switchrequire operationinnertask.task_cxThe content of.
    8. utilizationThe previous section realizes the __switch Complete the mission stack switch, or go back and look at it if you've forgotten.

can be seenfind_next_taskis an important method, which is implemented like this.

// os/src/task/

impl TaskManager {
    fn find_next_task(&self) -> Option<usize> {
        let inner = .exclusive_access();
        let current = inner.current_task;
        (current + 1..current + self.num_app + 1)
            .map(|id| id % self.num_app)
            .find(|id| {
                [*id].task_status == TaskStatus::Ready

It's in the process of gettingAfter the single-threaded mutable borrowing of thecurrent_taskto begin with (Does not contain itself ) sees the entire array as acircular queue Then go one by one.Inquiry Status Until we find it.first Status of prepared tasks.

Here in Rust, every time we encounter something we don't know, we don't just try to understand it, but we also try to understand the conceptual stuff in the layer above it.

The one used here is theclosure (math) cap (a poem)iterator (math.) Knowledge of.

  1. iterator (math.)marry sb. (of woman)for Loops are quite similar in that they both go through a collection, but there are actually quite a few differences, not the least of which is:Whether the collection is accessed via an index
    1. Iterator Trait'smap methodologies: Iterators in Rust (Iterator) There's amapmethod, which takes a closure and passes each element of the iterator to this closure.mapmethod generates a new iterator whose elements are the result returned by the closure.
    2. The iterator has afindmethod, which receives a closure as an argument. The closure defines the condition to be looked for, and when an element in the iterator satisfies this condition, thefindmethod then returns aOptiontype result that contains the first match found or theNoneIf no element satisfies the condition.
  2. closure (math)An anonymous function that can be assigned to a variable or passed as a parameter to other functions, and which, unlike a function, allows the value in the caller's scope to be captured.
    1. It's kind of like some kind of C.function macro (math.) , withdo...whileThis is the kind of thing that is encapsulated. So you can steal variables from other scopes and use them.

This is a great picture :)

First time in userland

Recall from the previous chapter that we usedrun_next_appcalls the__restorecall (programming)sretBack to the user state.

Currently, to enter the userland for the first time we should also need thesretYes, you can.

But think about what we learned in the last chapter__switchimplementation, it is clear that it isinvariably Privileged.

So the first time you enter the userland you still have to rely on the__restore.

In order to use__restoreThen you need to build the Trap context, and put theprevious section practicalinit_app_cx, move to:

// os/src/

pub fn init_app_cx(app_id: usize) -> usize {
        TrapContext::app_init_context(get_base_i(app_id), USER_STACK[app_id].get_sp()),

reimbursementTaskContextConstruct aConstructing the context for the first execution of a task Methodology.

// os/src/task/

impl TaskContext {
    pub fn goto_restore(kstack_ptr: usize) -> Self {
        extern "C" { fn __restore(); }
        Self {
            ra: __restore as usize,
            sp: kstack_ptr,
            s: [0; 12],

In this operation, the

  1. Passed in akernel stack pointer .
  2. Use the following to build aTaskContext.
    1. Kernel stack pointer asStack pointer to the task context .
    2. __restorefunction address as theReturn address after function call . . in other words.__switch(used form a nominal expression)retAfter execution, execute__restore.
    3. bares0~s12.

It is important to note that__restore The implementation needs to change: itno longer need at the outsetmv sp, a0 up. Because in the__switch After that.sp is already pointing to the correct address for the Trap context we need.

Then after creating theTaskManager Global instances of theTASK_MANAGER of the time for thePer Task Context , initialized to consist of the followingTaskContext:

  1. Link in. determined by the task memory location of theKernel stack pointer for each task as the stack pointer.
  2. __restoreact asReturn address after function call .
  3. bares0~s12.

because ofTaskContextBuild aImplementation of the first mandate Methodology.

impl TaskManager {
    fn run_first_task(&self) -> ! {
        let mut inner = .exclusive_access();
        let task0 = &mut [0];
        task0.task_status = TaskStatus::Running;
        let next_task_cx_ptr = &task0.task_cx as *const TaskContext;
        let mut _unused = TaskContext::zero_init();
        // before this, we should drop local variables that must be dropped manually
        unsafe {
                &mut _unused as *mut TaskContext,
        panic!("unreachable in run_first_task!");

This code can be read like this.

  1. gainSingle-threaded borrowing .
  2. Getting the firstPointer to the task block .
  3. Subsequently set this task tooperational state .
  4. Get this task's(textual) context .
  5. Since the subsequent use of__switchHence the need forvoluntary release This borrowing.
  6. utilization__switchcall (programming)
    1. leave it (to sb)zero_initThe construction of aall-empty context.
    2. First mission context.

At this point the order of execution is a bit messed up, I'll try to draw a flowchart.

First is the structure implemented in this chapterTaskManagerStructure.

initialization The process is.


call (programming)run_fist_appWhat happened after that.

At this point consider what happens when an app hang occurs: the