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Monaco Editor implements a log viewer

Popularity:726 ℃/2024-10-16 15:45:26

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This article was written by Wen Chang


In a Web IDE, displaying logs in the console is a critical feature. Monaco Editor, as a powerful code editor, provides a rich set of features and a flexible API for "decorating" content, which makes it ideal for building a log displayer. Here's an example.

In addition to real-time logs, there are scenarios where you need to view historical logs. As shown in the figure below:


Monarch It is a syntax highlighting library that comes with Monaco Editor, through which we can use Json like syntax to realize the syntax highlighting function of a custom language. We won't go into too much detail about it here, but only the part that will be used in this article.

A language definition is basically a description of the various properties of a languageJSONvalues, some of the generic properties are listed below:

  • tokenizer
    (Required fields, objects with state) This defines thetokenizationrules. A core component of the Monaco Editor for defining language syntax highlighting and parsing. Its main function is to break the input code text into tokens so that the editor can perform syntax highlighting, error checking and other editing functions based on these tokens.
  • ignoreCase
    (Optional, default:false) Is the language case insensitive?tokenizer(Regular expressions in the (disambiguator) use this attribute to do case (un)sensitive matching, and thecaseTests in scenarios.
  • brackets
    (optional, array defined in parentheses)tokenizerUse this to easily define curly bracket matches, for more details see@brackets cap (a poem)bracket Part. Each square bracketed definition is an array of 3 elements or objects describing theopen left curly bracketsClose right curly bracketscap (a poem)tokenClass. The default definitions are as follows:
[ ['{','}',''],
['<','>',''] ]


The tokenizer property describes how lexical analysis is performed and how the input is converted into tokens. Each token is given a css class name for rendering in the editor, and the built-in css tokens include:

identifier         entity           constructor
operators          tag              namespace
keyword            info-token       type
string             warn-token       predefined
      error-token      invalid
comment            debug-token
constant           attribute

delimiter .[curly,square,parenthesis,angle,array,bracket]
number    .[hex,octal,binary,float]
variable  .[name,value]
meta      .[content]

Of course, you can also customize the css token by injecting the custom css token in the following way.

("vs", {
  base: "vs",
  inherit: true,
  rules: [
      token: "token-name",
      foreground: "#117700",
  colors: {},

A tokenizer consists of an object that describes the state. the initial state of the tokenizer is determined by the first state defined by the tokenizer. What does this mean? Check out the example below.rootis the first state defined by the tokenizer, the initial state. Similarly, if theafterIf respond in singingroot The two states switch places, thenafterIf is the initial state.

('myLanguage', {
    tokenizer: {
        root: [
            // Rules for the initial state
            [/\d+/, 'number'], // Recognize numbers
            [/\w+/, 'keyword'], // Recognize keywords
            // Move to the next state
            [/^if$/, { token: 'keyword', next: 'afterIf' }], [], // identify the keyword.
        afterIf: [
            // Handle what comes after the if statement
            [/\s+/, ''], // ignore whitespace
            [/[\w]+/, 'identifier'], // identify the identifier
            // Return to initial state
            [/;$/, { token: '', next: 'root' }], ], // return to initial state.

How do I get the first state defined by the tokenizer?

class MonarchTokenizer {
  public getInitialState():  {
    const rootState = (null, this._lexer.start!);
    return (rootState, null);

Getting an initial state is done through getInitialState. As you can see from the code, the initial state is identified through the property this._lexer.start. How is this property assigned a value?

function compile() {
  for (const key in ) {
    if ((key)) {
      if (!) {
         = key;
      const rules = [key];
      [key] = new Array();
      addRules('tokenizer.' + key, [key], rules);

When compile parses the language definition object passed in by setMonarchTokensProvider, it takes the first key read out as the initial state. You may wonder, is it guaranteed that the first attribute written when defining the object will be the first one read when it is read?

In JavaScript, there are some specific rules for the order of object properties:

  1. Integer key: if the attribute name is an integer (e.g."1""2" etc.), these attributes will be listed in ascending order of value.
  2. String keys: for non-integer string keys, the order of the attributes is in the order they were added to the object.
  3. Symbol keys: If the keys of the attributes are of type Symbol, these attributes are added to the object in the order in which they were added.

Therefore, when using thefor...in When looping through the properties of an object, the order of the properties is as follows:

  • First are all the integer keys, in ascending order.
  • Then there are all the string keys, in the order they were added.
  • Finally, there are all the Symbol keys, in the order they were added.

An example.


The above example shows that although "1" and "2" are written later, they are still sorted and output first, followed by the string keys according to the order in which they are added. Therefore, if possible, do not use integer keys to define state names.

When a tokenizer is in a certain state, only rules from that state can be matched. All rules are matched sequentially, and when the first rule is matched, its action is used to determine the type of token. No further attempts will be made with later rules, so it is important to order the rules in a way that is most efficient. For example, spaces and identifiers take precedence.

How do you define a state?

Each state is defined as an array of rules for matching inputs, and the rules can have the following form:

  • [regex, action]
    A shorthand for the form {regex: regex, action: action}.
  • [regex, action, next]
    A shorthand of the form { regex: regex, action: action{ next: next} }.
('myLanguage', {
    tokenizer: {
        root: [
            // [regex, action]
            [/\d+/, 'number'],
             * [regex, action, next]
             * [/\w+/, { token: 'keyword', next: '@pop' }] abbreviation
            [/\w+/, 'keyword', '@pop'],

The regex is a regular expression, and the action is categorized as follows:

  • string
    { token: string }
  • [action, ..., actionN]
    An array of multiple actions. This is only allowed if the regular expression consists of exactly N groups (i.e. parentheses). Example.
[/(\d)(\d)(\d)/, ['string', 'string', 'string']
  • { token: tokenClass }
    This tokenClass can be either a built-in css token or a custom token, and some special token classes are also specified:
    • "@rematch"
      Backs up the input and re-calls the tokenizer. This only works when the state changes (or we go into infinite recursion), so this is usually used in conjunction with the next attribute. This can be used, for example, when you are in a particular tokenizer state and want to exit when you see certain end markers, but don't want to use them while you are in that state. Example.
('myLanguage', {
    tokenizer: {
        root: [
            [/\d+/, 'number', 'word'],
        word: [
            [/\d/, '@rematch', '@pop'],
            [/[^\d]+/, 'string']

What does the state flow diagram of this language look like?


It can be seen that when defining a state, it should be ensured that the state exists exits i.e. no rules for transferring to other states are defined), otherwise it may lead to a dead end loop that constantly uses the rules within the state to match.

  • "@pop"
    Ejects the tokenizer stack to return to the previous state.
  • "@push"
    Push into the current state and continue in the current state.
('myLanguage', {
    tokenizer: {
    root: [
      // Push the new state when a start token is matched
      [/^\s*function\b/, { token: 'keyword', next: '@function' }],.
    function: [
      // Matching rules in function state
      [/^\s*{/, { token: '', next: '@push' }], [ /^\s*{/, { token: 'keyword', next: '@push' }], function: [ // Match rules in function state.
      [/[^}]+/, 'statement'], [/^\s*}/, { token: '', next: '@push' }], [ // Match rules in function state.
- $n  

The nth set of matched inputs, or $0 for this matched input.
- $Sn
The nth part of the state, e.g., the state @, is represented by $S0 for the entire state name (i.e., ), $S1 returns tag, and $S2 returns foo.

Real-time logs

The use of Monaco Editor will not be mentioned in this article and is not the focus of this article. The main reason for using Monaco Editor to implement the log viewer is to have different highlighting themes for different types of logs.

In real-time logging, there are different types of logs, such as: info, error, warning, and so on.

 * Log Constructor
 * @param {string} log Log content
 * @param {string} type Log Type
export function createLog(log: string, type = '') {
    let now = moment().format('HH:mm:ss');
    if (.NODE_ENV == 'test') {
        now = 'test';
    return `[${now}] <${type}> ${log}`;

Based on the logs it can be seen that each log is[xx:xx:xx]outset, followed closely by<Log type>.(Log type: info, error, warning.) (Log types: info, error, warning.)

Register a custom languagerealTimeLog As a real-time log of alanguage

The rules here are also very simple, two parsing rules are set in the root, which are matching log date and log type. After matching the corresponding log type, the matching content will be labeled withtoken and then through thenext Go to the next state with the matching reference identifier ($1 means group 1 in the regular grouping)consoleLogIn StatusconsoleLog in it, match the contents of the log, and typetoken , until the termination condition (log date) is met.

import { languages } from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/";
import { LanguageIdEnum } from "./constants";

({ id: });

(, {
  keywords: ["error", "warning", "info", "success"],
  date: /\[[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\]/,
  tokenizer: {
    root: [
      [/@date/, "date-token"],
          cases: {
            "$1@keywords": { token: "$1-token", next: "@log.$1" },
            "@default": "string",
    log: [
      [/@date/, { token: "@rematch", next: "@pop" }],
      [/.*/, { token: "$S2-token" }],

// ===== Log Style =====
export const realTimeLogTokenThemeRules = [
    token: "date-token",
    foreground: "#117700",
    token: "error-token",
    foreground: "#ff0000",
    fontStyle: "bold",
    token: "info-token",
    foreground: "#999977",
    token: "warning-token",
    foreground: "#aa5500",
    token: "success-token",
    foreground: "#669600",

State flow diagram:


General Log

Normal logs are slightly different from real-time logs in that the type of log he is is not displayed, there is not aStart/EndidentifierMonarchHighlighting rule matches. So there is a need for a rule that is not displayed in the text and can be used as aStart/EndThe identifier of the

It's also true that there is such a thing as a zero-width character that doesn't take up any width and can be matched - a "zero-width character".

Zero Width Characters (ZWCs) are characters that occupy zero width in text, usually for specific text processing or coding purposes. They are not visually visible, but may have an impact in program processing.

Use zero-width characters to create identifiers for different log types.

// Use zero-width characters for different types of log identifiers
// U+200B
const ZeroWidthSpace = '';
// U+200C
const ZeroWidthNonJoiner = ''; // U+200D
// U+200D
const ZeroWidthJoiner = '‍'; // U+200D
// Start/end identifiers for different types of logs, used for parsing Monarch files.
const jobTag = {
    info: `${ZeroWidthSpace}${ZeroWidthNonJoiner}${ZeroWidthSpace}`, warning: `${ZeroWidthSpace}${ZeroWidthNonJoiner}${ZeroWidthSpace}`, }
    warning: `${ZeroWidthNonJoiner}${ZeroWidthSpace}${ZeroWidthNonJoiner}`,
    error: `${ZeroWidthJoiner}${ZeroWidthNonJoiner}${ZeroWidthJoiner}`,
    success: `${ZeroWidthSpace}${ZeroWidthNonJoiner}${ZeroWidthJoiner}`,

The syntax highlighting rules for writing after that are the same as for real-time logging.

import { languages } from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/";
import { LanguageIdEnum } from "./constants";

({ id: });

(, {
  info: /\u200b\u200c\u200b/,
  warning: /\u200c\u200b\u200c/,
  error: /\u200d\u200c\u200d/,
  success: /\u200b\u200c\u200d/,
  tokenizer: {
    root: [
      [/@success/, { token: "success-token", next: "@" }],
      [/@error/, { token: "error-token", next: "@" }],
      [/@warning/, { token: "warning-token", next: "@" }],
      [/@info/, { token: "info-token", next: "@" }],
    log: [
        { token: "$S2-token", next: "@pop" },
      [/.*/, { token: "$S2-token" }],

// ===== Log Style =====
export const normalLogTokenThemeRules = [
    token: "error-token",
    foreground: "#BB0606",
    fontStyle: "bold",
    token: "info-token",
    foreground: "#333333",
    fontStyle: "bold",
    token: "warning-token",
    foreground: "#EE9900",
    token: "success-token",
    foreground: "#669600",

State flow diagram:


(sth. or sb) else

Support in Monaco Editoraelemental

Monaco Editor does not natively support inserting HTML elements into content, it only natively supports highlighting links and supportingcmd + clickOpen link. However, there may still be a need to implement similaraElemental effects.

After looking up the Monaco Editor's API, linkProvider may be generally satisfactory, but it's still not enough.

Here is the introduction:

In Monaco Editor, linkProvider is an interface used to provide linking functionality. It allows developers to provide links to specific text or code snippets in the editor that, when hovered over or clicked on by the user, can perform specific actions, such as opening a document, jumping to a definition, etc.

Specific Usage:

const linkProvider = {
    provideLinks: function(model, position) {
        // Returns an array of links
        return [
                range: new (1, 1, 1, 5), // Scope of the link
                url: '', // linked URL
                tooltip: 'Click to access examples' // hovering alert
('javascript', linkProvider);

It is registered for registered languages and does not affect other languages. It is triggered when the text content changesprovideLinks

Think of a thought based on this API:

  1. When generating text, use the#link#${(attrs)}#link# package, attrs is an object containing the a element'sattribute
  2. Before the text is passed to the Monaco Editor, the content of the text is parsed, and the regulars are used to transform thea Element taggingMatch it out using theattrs (used form a nominal expression)link textinterchangeabilitymarkup textand record the replacementlink textIndex position in the text content. Using the Monaco Editor'sgetPositionAt Get the position of the linked text in the editor (start/end row/column information), generate theRange
  3. Use a container to collect the logs in the correspondingLink information. After passing the linkProvider the correspondinglink textRecognized as link highlighting.
  4. Binding click events to editor instancesonMouseDown If the location of the clicked content is in the collected Link, the externally provided custom link click event is triggered.

Realization along these lines:

  1. Generate a element tag.
interface IAttrs {
    attrs: Record<string, string>;
    props: {
        innerHTML: string;
 * @param attrs
 * @returns
export function createLinkMark(attrs: IAttrs) {
    return `#link#${(attrs)}#link#`;
  1. Parsing text content
getLinkMark(value: string, key?: string) {
    if (!value) return value;
    const links: ILink[] = [];

    const logRegexp = /#link#/g;
    const splitPoints: any[] = []; const splitPoints: any[] = []; const splitPoints: any[] = []; let indexObj = (value)
    let indexObj = (value);
     * 1. regular matching of the corresponding start/end tags #link# , in pairs
    while (indexObj) {
            index: ,
            1: indexObj[1], { { index.
        indexObj = (value);

    /**}; }; indexObj = (value); }; indexObj = (value)
     * 2. Process the log content and collect link information based on the range of link tokens obtained in step 1.
     */ /** l is the start tag and r is the end tag */.
      /** l is the start tag, r is the end tag */
    let l = (); let r = ();
    /** Number of characters to remove in string replacement */
    let cutLength = 0;
    /** link Information collection */
    const collections:[number, number, string, ILink['attrs']][] = [];
    while (l & & r) {
      const infoStr = ( + r[0].length, );
      const info = (infoStr);
       * Manually filling in a space is caused by the lack of content following it, causing the cursor to be on the link when clicking on the space following the link, too
       * causing the current range to also be in the link's range, triggering the custom click event
      const splitStr = + ' ';

      /** Replace '#link#{"attrs":{"href": "xxx"}, "props":{"innerHTML": "logDownload"}}#link#' with text in innerHTML */
      processedString =
          (0, - cutLength) +
          splitStr +
          ( + r[0].length - cutLength);
          /** Start position of the link */
           - cutLength.
          /** End position of the link */
           + - cutLength - 1, /** link address */
          /** Link address */
          /** Applied in workflow, click to open subtask tab */

      /** Record the difference between the replacement text and the original text during text replacement */
      cutLength += - + r[0].length * 2;
      l = (); r = (); }

     * 3. Processing the collected link information
    const model = (processedString, 'xxx');
    for (const [start, end, url, attrs] of collections) {
        const startPosition = (start); const endPosition = (end)
        const startPosition = (start); const endPosition = (end); const model = (processedString, 'xxx')

            range: new Range(
                range: new Range(
                , , , , , , , , , , , , and

            ), url, , , , , , , , , , and
            attrs, , , ), url, , attrs, , attrs, , attrs

    return processedString; }
  1. Use a container to store the parsed links
const value = `This is a string of text with links: ${createLinkMark({
  props: {
    innerHTML: 'link a'
  attrs: {
    href: ''
const links = getLinkMark(value)
  1. Register LinkProvider with stored links
('taskLog', {
    provideLinks() {
        return { links: links || [] };
  1. Binding custom events
    is triggered whenever you click on something in the editor.onMouseDown, in which you can get the current click position of theRangeinformation, iterates through all the collected Links in a loop, and determines the current click position of theRangeWhether or not it's in there.containsRangemethod can determine whether aRangeIs it in anotherRangeCenter.
useEffect(() => {
  const disposable = ?.onMouseDown((e) => {
      const curRange = ;
      if (curRange) {
        const link = ((e) => {
          return ( as Range)?.containsRange(curRange);
        if (link) {

  return () => {
}, []);

Cons: When the log is printed in real time, the link will not be immediately highlighted when it appears, you need to wait a while for it to become link highlighted.



  • Monarch


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