using ;
using System;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = new ServiceHostServerBuilder(new ())
.UseLog4netLogger() // Logging with log4net
.LoadServices("", "") // loading service
.UseDotNettyForTransfer("", 8001) // DotNetty listens on port 8001 for communication.
.UseConsulForDiscovery("", 8500, "JimuService", $"") // Use consul, "JimiService" to specify a prefix to the key when registering a service, which is equivalent to a service grouping, and $"" to specify the service host's access address.
SecretKey = "123456",
}); // Use jwt for authentication, here just authenticate the token, so only need to authenticate the key, produce the token in the service
using (var host = ())
(); // Starting services
while (true)