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Assembly Study Notes Basic Instruction Notes

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Compilation Notes

processor registerregister

To learn assembly language, you must first understand two things: registers and the memory model.

Let's look at the registers first.CPU itself is only responsible for arithmetic, not for storing data. Data is generally stored in memory.CPU You go to memory to read and write data when you want to use it. However, theCPU The computing speed is much higher than the read/write speed of the memoryAnd to avoid being slowed down.CPU Both come with a first level cache and a second level cache. Basically.CPU Cache can be thought of as memory with faster read and write speeds.

But.CPU The cache is still not fast enough, plus the address of the data inside the cache is not fixed, theCPU Addressing every read and write also slows things down. Therefore, in addition to caching, theCPU It also comes with its own register (register), which is used to store the most commonly used data. In other words.Those data that are most frequently read and written (such as loop variables) are placed inside the registers, theCPU Priority is given to reading and writing to registers, which in turn exchange data with memory.

Memory Model.Heap

  • During program operation, for dynamic memory occupation requests (e.g., new object creation, or the use of themalloccommand), the system will set aside a portion of that pre-allocated memory for the user, as specified by the rules from theStarting address to divide(In fact, the starting address will have astatic data(which is ignored here). For example, if the user asks for 10 bytes of memory, then from the start address0x1000Start assigning him, all the way down to the address0x100A, if another 22 bytes are requested, then it is allocated to the0x1020

  • This partitioning of memory areas due to user-initiated requests is called theHeap(heap). It starts at the start address and goes fromLow (address) to high (address) growth\(Heap\) An important feature of theDoes not disappear automatically, must be released manually, or recycled by the garbage collection mechanism


Memory Model.Stack

  • apart fromHeap Other than that, the memory footprint is calledStack(Stack). In a nutshell.Stack attributable toThe area of memory temporarily occupied by a function

  • The system starts executingmainfunction, a frame is created for it in memory (frame), allmaininternal variables (e.g.acap (a poem)b) are saved inside this frame.mainAt the end of the function's execution, the frame is recycled, releasing all internal variables and taking up no more space.

  • Calling a function from within a functionprocess()The system also creates a new frame for the function when it is called. Generally speaking, there are as many frames as there are layers of the call stack.

  • When the function finishes running, its frame is recycled and the system returns to the place where the function was interrupted to continue the flow of the previous frame. Through this mechanism, functions can be called at different levels, and each level can use its own local variables.

  • Stackis allocated from the end address of the memory region.From high status to status distribution



utilizationg++ -S orgcc -S , availableC/C++Generate the corresponding assembly code

void hello()
    int a=1,b=2;
    printf("hello world\n");
int main()
    int a=1,b=2;
    hello() ;

    return 0;
        .string "hello world"
        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rsp
        sub     rsp, 16
        mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1
        mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-8], 2
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
        add     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], eax
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        call    puts
        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rsp
        sub     rsp, 16
        mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1
        mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-8], 2
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
        add     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], eax
        call    hello()
        mov     eax, 0

push directives

	push	rbp

pushbeCPUInstruction.rbpis the operator of the instruction. ACPUInstructions can have zero to more than one operator

processor register

IA-32There are 10 32-bit and 6 16-bit processor registers in the architecture. There are three types of registers.

  • general-purpose register

    • data register

    • pointer register

    • index register

  • control register

  • segment register

command system

80x86 addressing method
  • Addressing: Finds the address of the operand.

  • Addressing method: the way to find the operand

80x86command format
  • Command mnemonic +operand1,+operand2,+operand3
  • The number of operands of an instruction can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
How to determine the value of the offset address
  • Ten ways to relate to the data, the
    1. immediate addressing
    2. register addressing
    3. direct addressing
    4. indirect register addressing
    5. relative register addressing
    6. base address variable address seeking (BVAS)
    7. relative base address variable addressing
    8. proportional variable-address addressing
    9. base proportional variable address (BPRVA)
    10. relative base-address proportional variable-address addressing
  • The 4 types of addressing associated with transferring addresses
    1. in-segment direct addressing
    2. Indirect addressing within a segment
    3. intersegmental direct addressing
    4. indirect addressing between segments

addressing method

Immediate addressing mode


hexadecimal number05H Move to General Purpose RegisterAXfirst (of multiple parts)

Register addressing mode (no EA)

  • The operand intended by the instruction is already stored in a register or the target number is stored in a register.
  • Registers and their symbolic names that can be referenced in the instruction.

8-bit registers AH、AL、BH、BL、CH、CL、DH、DL
8-bit registers AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, SP, BP and segment registers, etc.
8-bit registers EAX、EBX、ECX、EDX、ESI、EDI、ESP、EBP。
  • DST and SRC have the same word length

  • CS cannot be changed with the MOV instruction

direct addressing method

  • The operand of the instruction is stored in memory, and the effective address of the operand is given directly in the instruction.

  • Physical address =\((DS)\times16d+EA\)

    • MOV AX , [2000H]


    • MOV AX , [VALUE]

  • Physical address =\((ES)\times16d+EA\)

    • MOV AX , ES:[2000H]


    • MOV AX , ES:[VALUE]

    • Normally, operands are stored in data segments, so their physical addresses will be formed directly from the valid addresses in the data segment registers DS and instructions, but if segments are used beyond prefixes, then operands can be stored in other segments. For example.

      MOV ES:[1000H],	AX
    • Immediate Addressing:1234H

    • Direct Addressing;[1234H]

Register indirect addressing mode → EA base address/variable address

  • MOV AX, [BX] orMOV AX,ES:[BX]

Register Relative Addressing Mode → EA = Base Address/Variable Address + Displacement

  • MOV AX,COUNT[SI]maybeMOV AX,3000H[SI]

  • MOV AX,[COUNT+SI] maybeMOV AX,[3000H+SI]


  • The operand is in memory and its effective address is aThe base address registers (BXBP) or variable address registers (SIDIThe sum of the contents of the instruction and the 8-bit/16-bit offset in the instruction

base address variable address method (BVAM)→EA=Base + variable site

  • The operand is in memory and its effective address isA base address register (BX, BP) and theA variable-address register (SIDI) of the sum of the contents of the

    • MOV AX,[BX][SI] maybeMOV AX,[BX+SI]
    • MOV AX,ES:[BX][SI] maybeMOV AX,ES:[BX+SI]

Relative base-address-variable-address addressing mode → EA = Base Address + Variable Address + Displacement

  • MOV AX,COUNT[BX][SI]maybe MOV AX,-46H[BX][SI]
  • MOV AX,COUNT[BX+SI] maybe MOV AX,0246H[BX+SI]
  • MOV AX,[COUNT+BX+SI]maybeMOV AX,[-56H+BX+SI]
  • MOV AX,ES:COUNT[BX][SI] maybeMOV AX,ES:[0246H+BX+SI]

Relative proportional variable address addressing → EA = variable address × scale factor + displacement

  • MOV EBX,[EAX][EDX*8] maybeMOV EBX,

  • [EAX+EDX\*8] maybeMOV EBX,[ESP][EAX*2]


8-bit/16-bit/32-bit displacement

Note 1: The scale factor can only be used with 32-bit variable address registers: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EBP, ESI,

EDI coupling; and the scale factor can only be 1, 2, 4, or 8;

Note 2: 8), 9), and 10) can only be 32-bit addressed, not 16-bit addressed;

Base-address proportional variable-address addressing → EA = base-address + variable-address × proportionality factor

Relative base-address proportional variable-address addressing → EA = base-address + variable-address × proportionality factor + displacement