Ways to package a Python project in PyCharm and run it on the server
The process of packaging a Python project in PyCharm and running it on the server can be broken down into a few key steps: creating the project, setting up project dependencies, packaging the project, configuring the server environment, uploading the executable to the server, and running the project. Below is a detailed guide, including complete code examples that are ready to run.
I. Creating and setting up a Python project
- Open PyCharm and create a new project:
- Open PyCharm, click the "File" menu, select "New Project".
- Set the project name and path, and make sure "Create virtual environment" is checked to use a virtual environment.
- Click "OK" to finish creating the project.
- Set up project dependencies:
- In PyCharm, click on the "File" menu and select "Settings".
- In the left panel, select "Project: [Project Name]" and click the "Python Interpreter" tab.
- In the right panel, if the project uses a virtual environment, switch to the virtual environment and click the "+" button to add the required third-party libraries (for example, the
II. Writing project code
Add Python files to the project structure, for exampleand write code. Below is a simple example of a Flask web application:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello, World!'
if __name__ == '__main__':
III. Packaging projects
Install PyInstaller:
Open PyCharm's Terminal.
Enter the following command to install PyInstaller:
bash copy code pip install pyinstaller
Configure PyInstaller:
- In PyCharm, there is usually no need to additionally configure PyInstaller unless there is a specific need.
Packaged items:
In the terminal, navigate to the project directory.
Enter the following command to package the project:
bash copy code pyinstaller --onefile
This generates a
directory, which contains the packaged executable.
IV. Configuring the server environment
Select and connect to the server:
Make sure the server has a Python environment installed.
Connect to the server using SSH and check the Python version:
ssh username@your_server_ip python --version
Install dependencies (if required):
If the project uses third-party libraries, they need to be installed on the server. For example, if Flask is used:
bash copy code pip install flask
V. Uploading executable files to the server
command uploads the packaged executable to the server:
bashCopy Code
scp dist/main username@your_server_ip:/path/to/destination
VI. Running the project on the server
Login to the server:
bash copy code ssh username@your_server_ip
Navigate to the directory where the executable is located:
bash copy code cd /path/to/destination
Running the executable:
bash copy code . /main
VII. Precautions
If our Flask app needs to run on a specific port, make sure the server's firewall has opened the appropriate port.
If you want the application to run in the background, you can use the
bash copy code nohup . /main &
If our project needs to interact with a database, we need to install the appropriate database driver on the server and configure the connection information.
VIII. Summary
With the above steps, we were able to successfully package and run a Python project from PyCharm to the server. This process not only helped us learn the use of some basic commands and tools, but also strengthened our understanding of the project deployment process. Packaging and deployment is an integral part of software development, and mastering these skills will enable us to develop and manage programs in a more professional manner.