@echo off
::By dressed in white
:: TIME:2025/1
:: Check if the configuration file exists
if exist configuration.txt (
set /p Remote_dir=<configuration.txt
echo reads remote download directory information from the configuration file
) else (
echo The configuration file has not been read. Please press Enter to enter the default update plan:
set /p choice=
if /i "%choice%"=="1" (
set Remote_dir=\\remote directory 1
) else if /i "%choice%"=="2" (
set Remote_dir=\\remote directory 2
echo Please enter 1 or 2 to select the default remote share path according to actual needs:
echo 1.Beijing area (BJ)
echo 2.Shanghai area (SH)
goto choose
Remote download directory information read by echo: %Remote_dir%
echo The currently logged in user is: %USERNAME%
set /p DIR_NAME="Please confirm that the above user name is correct and press Enter:"
:: Check whether there is a personal directory of the customer user under users on the C drive
if not exist "%TARGET_DIR%" (
echo Directory not found: %TARGET_DIR%
goto write
:: Enter the target directory and check whether the target directory exists
if not exist "%US_DIR%" (
echo did not check the XXX directory, creating it...
mkdir "%US_DIR%"
echo %US_DIR% directory is created successfully.
:: Enter the US_DIR directory and check whether the directory already exists
set "target_DIR="
for /d %%i in ("%US_DIR%\directory name*") do (
if not defined target_DIR (
set "target_DIR=%%i"
echo finds the target directory: %%i
:: Delete the old version directory if a directory starting with the target directory name exists
if defined target_DIR (
rmdir /s /q "%target_DIR%"
echo deletes the old version successfully.
:: Copy the entire folder from the shared directory of the remote machine to the US directory
echo starts downloading the new version to the local, please wait!
xcopy /e /i /y "%Remote_dir%" "%US_DIR%\target directory"
if errorlevel 1 (
echo The remote directory cannot be accessed. Please exit and re-run and select other options to copy again. If it still fails, please contact the administrator!
goto end
)else (
The new version of echo is downloaded!