Vue3.5 has been released for nearly half a year.
Response PROPS deconstruction
Props in Vue3.5 officially supports deconstruction and adds responsive tracking.
Set the default value
Use JavaScript's native default value grammar to declare the default value of PROPS
const props = withDefaults(
count?: number
msg?: string
count: 0,
msg: 'hello'
const { count = 0, msg = 'hello' } = defineProps<{
count?: number
message?: string
Response deconstruction
when in the same<script setup>
Access in the code blockdefineProps
When destructuring variables, the Vue compiler will automatically add them in frontprops
const { foo } = defineProps(['foo'])
watchEffect(() => {
// only ran once before 3.5
const {foo} = DEFINEPROPS (['Foo'])
watcheffect (() => {{
// Re -execute in the "FOO" PROP change in 3.5
// `foo` is converted from the compiler to` `, the above is equivalent to` () `
Similarly, the prop variable that listened to the solution or the decomposition may be transmitted to the combination item while retaining the response at the same time.
const { foo } = defineProps(['foo'])
watch(foo, /* ... */)
// watch (foo,/ * ... */) is equivalent to watch (, ...), we convey a value instead of the response data source
Watch (() => Foo, / * ... * /)
// Pass the deconstructed PROP to the external function and maintain the response
Usecomposable (() => FOO)
/ watcheffect
) related
watch supports specifying depth deep: number
Options now support passing a number to specify the listening depth
const state = ref({
a: {
b: {
c: 1
watch(state, (newValue) => {
(`state: ${newValue}`)
{ deep: 2 }
= { c: 2 } // Changed the properties of the second layer, triggering monitoring
= 2 // The properties of the third layer are changed and the monitoring is not triggered.
Clean the function onWatcherCleanup / OneFFECTCLEANUP
When we used to send asynchronous requests in the monitoring function, it is likely that the request parameter changes. At this time, we need to set up a global variable storageAbortController
And clean it up before the component is uninstalled
import { watch, onBeforeUnmount } from "vue"
let controller = new AbortController()
watch(state, (newValue) => {
() //Cancel the last request
controller = new AbortController()
fetch(`/api/${newValue}`, { signal: }).then(() => {
//Callback logic
// Components must also be cleaned before uninstalling
onBeforeUnmount(() => ())
Now there is a cleanup functiononWatcherCleanup
/ onEffectCleanup
After that, we can call it directly to clean up the previous calling (asynchronous) function/request
import { watch, onWatcherCleanup } from 'vue'
watch(id, (newId) => {
const controller = new AbortController()
fetch(`/api/${newId}`, { signal: }).then(() => {
//Callback logic
onWatcherCleanup(() => {
// Terminate expired request
The function writing method is similar to the above, the difference is the import source
import { onEffectCleanup } from "@vue/reactivity";
Only support in Vue 3.5+, and must be inwatchEffect
effect function orwatch
Called during synchronous execution of a callback function: you cannot call it in an asynchronous functionawait
Call it after the sentence.
Watch return value enhancement
The newly paused/resumed listener in the Watch return value can more detailed control and monitoring scope
const {stop, pause, resume} = watch (() => {})
// Specify the listener
pause ()
// Recovery later
resume ()
SSR improvement
Lazy Hydration
Asynchronous components can passdefineAsyncComponent() API
Options to control when to activate
Activate in idle time
Import {defineasynccomponent, hydrateonidle} from 'vue'
loader: () => Import ('./'),
Hydrate: Hydrateonidle (/ * Pass optional maximum timeout */)
Activates when element becomes visible
import { defineAsyncComponent, hydrateOnVisible } from 'vue'
const AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent({
loader: () => import('./'),
hydrate: hydrateOnVisible()
Custom strategy
Import {defineasynccomponent, type hydrationStrategy} from 'vue'
Const mystrategy: hydrationstrategy = (hydrate, foreachelement) => {
// Foreachelement is an auxiliary function of all root elements in the DOM not activated DOM traversal components.
// Because the root element may be a fragment rather than a single element
foreachelement (EL => {{
// ...
// Call when you are ready `hydrate`
hydrate ()
Return () => {
// If necessary, return a destruction function
loader: () => Import ('./'),
hydrate: mystrategy
Please checkVue3 official document -inert activation, we won’t go into details here.
Generate unique application ID
It is used to generate the only ID in each application for barrier -free attributes or table elements. In our daily applications, it can mainly solve the server and client generatedid
Different issues causing rendering errors
<script setup>
import { useId } from 'vue'
const id = useId()
<label :for="id">Name:</label>
<input : type="text" />
If a client value inevitably differs from its server counterpart (e.g. date), we can use propertiesdata-allow-mismatch
to avoid the resulting activation mismatch warning
<span data-allow-mismatch>{{ () }}</span>
Specific types can also be specified. Allowed values are:text
(Only allow direct sub -components to not match),class
Returns a shallow ref, which can bind elements more intuitively and also supports dynamic binding.
<script setup>
import { ref, useTemplateRef, onMounted } from 'vue'
const targetRef = ref('input1')
const inputRef = useTemplateRef<HTMLInputElement>()
onMounted(() => {
<input ref="input1" />
<input ref="input2" />
Others that are not commonly used will not be explained.