Title Description:
Give you the root node of a binary tree, root, and return its node values Traverse the tree in bottom-up hierarchical order. (i.e., traverse from the leaf node level to the root node level, left to right, layer by layer)
Input: root = [3,9,20,null,null,15,7]
Output: [[15,7],[9,20],[3]]
Thought Analysis:
This question is mainly a hierarchical traversal of a binary tree. Hierarchical traversal of a binary tree can be simulated using a queue, out of a queue at the same time the node child nodes are all added to the queue.
But he asked for reverse order input, so there are two ways to do it: 1. Use the header insertion method for insertion. 2. After insertion, just use the reverse order traversal once.
Focus on remembering the general logic of hierarchical traversal:Determine the number of nodes traversed out of the queue at one time by recording the length of the current queue (number of nodes in a layer)
Implementation of the head-interpolation method
res = append([][]int{tem},res... )
tem is []int{}
res... The role of res is to expand a slice, res is a two-dimensional slice, after the expansion of each element is a one-dimensional slice, and then append the first parameter is the target slice, the second element will be added to the first parameter after. Thus realizing the role of header insertion.
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func levelOrderBottom(root *TreeNode) [][]int {
if root==nil {
return [][]int{}
line = append(line, root)
for len(line)>0 {
levelSize,tem := len(line),[]int{}
for i := 0; i < levelSize; i++ {
node := line[0]
line = line[1:]
if node != nil {
tem = append(tem, )
if != nil {
line = append(line, )
if != nil {
line = append(line, )
//Double-ended queues are good for scenarios where rollover is not possible,Direct use of header insertion
//res = append([][]int{tem},res... )
res = append(res, tem)
// Final inversion of hierarchy results
for i, j := 0, len(res)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
res[i], res[j] = res[j], res[i]
return res